Client Testimonials

Wholistic Nutrition Coaching

Kim has coached clients through all different dietary goals. She can successfully coach you through adopting a vegan or vegetarian based diet, following the Whole30 diet plan, Paleo and more. You and Kim will work together to determine what dietary plan best suites you

"Kim's passion for health, exercise and clean eating is so motivating that when I finally decided I needed some help she was the person that came immediately to mind. I had no energy and I lived off of caffeine and sugar (oh, the sugar). Food was my enemy. We worked together for two-plus months. She guided me every step of the way and adjusted the way we worked together to best work with my schedule, which set me up for success. We decided I was a good candidate for Whole 30 and under Kim's guidance I am now 13 pounds lighter and sugar is not what fuels me.

Kim was empathetic, supportive and really there for me. I know how to read a nutrition label and I know how to give my body what it needs. I wanted to be a role model for my young daughter (and chase her around with ease) and Kim has given me the skills to do that. I can't wait to work with her again to continue to build upon my success."  Kelly N.

Sports Nutrition

Kim has worked with a number of athletes (including pro & olympic runners) helping them optimize their nutrition for performance

"Hi Kim! Thanks so much for helping me get back on track earlier this year, that played a huge role in my strong race! Best, Sarah Attar, 2x Olypic Runner Saudi Arabia"